Import nominal accounts

How to

Create your import files

You can import Nominal accounts using either a CSV Comma Separated Value (CSV) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the CSV file format. or XML Extensible Markup Language (XML) file format. Sage 200 can import and export data in the XML file format. file.

  1. Download the import information and example files:

  2. Create your import file in the format of the CSV or XML example file.
  3. Read the information in the import format file (XLSX), and make sure your information is correct and all mandatory fields are included.

    • The required mandatory fields will depend on whether you are creating a new account or updating an existing account.
    • Some fields can only be set when you create a new account, and can't be updated.
  4. Save your import file.

Validate an import file

  1. Click Validate Records.

  2. Browse to your import CSV file, select it and then click Open.

    The file is checked and two reports are generated:

    • The Update Report - lists the valid records that would be successfully imported into Sage 200.
    • The Update Report (Invalid) - lists the records that would not be imported into Sage 200. For each record Sage 200 prints a single reason for the failure. Remember that there could be more than one reason for the failure.

    Note: The reports are displayed, printed, or sent to the spooler; depending on the Output mode you have set.

  3. Check both reports to ensure that your records are complete and correct.

  4. Make any required corrections to the records in your import file.
  5. To re-validate your import file, repeat this process.

Import nominal accounts

  1. Click Import File.
  2. Find the file you've saved, select it and then click Open.

    The validation checks are repeated and reports are produced showing the records have been imported and second report (if required) showing those that can't.

  3. Check both reports to ensure that your records are complete and correct.

  4. Make any required corrections to the records in your import file.

    Tip: Remove the details of records that were successfully imported. This prevents erroneous errors when you re-import the file.

  5. Repeat this process to import those corrected records.

Useful info

About nominal accounts

Nominal accounts are fundamental to the successful management of your finances. The value of every transaction entered into Sage 200 is posted to a nominal account. and this is where the revenue and expenditure of your business school is recorded.

Each nominal account has the following elements:

About importing nominal accounts


Before you import your nominal accounts, you must have created or imported your:

  • Report categories - if you're not using the predefined set we have provided.
  • Cost centres (funds) and/or departments if you're using them - if you're not using the predefined set we've provided.

You can create or import additional nominal accounts at any time. You can also add cost centres and departments to your nominal accounts after you've finished the configuration assistant.

However, we recommend that you do this before entering any transactions into Sage 200 as this will make sure that your transactions post correctly.

For each nominal account you need to provide the following information in the import file:

  • A code or account number - mandatory.
  • A name - optional
  • A report category - mandatory.

    If you using your own report categories, you must create or import them, before importing your nominal accounts.

    If you use the predefined report categories, you'll need to add our report category codes to each nominal account in the CSV file before you can import them.

  • A cost centre (fund) - optional.

    If you want to use cost centres in nominal accounts you're importing, you must have created or imported them first.

    If you use the predefined funds (cost centres), you 'll need to add these codes to the relevant nominal accounts in the CSV file first.

  • A department - optional.

    If you want to use departments in the nominal accounts you're importing, you must have created or imported them first.

    If you use the predefined departments, you 'll need to add these codes to the relevant nominal accounts in the CSV file first.

  • An indication of whether journals can be posted to the account - optional.

    You can choose whether or not nominal journals can be entered for this nominal account.

    Journals are usually used for transactions that can't be entered using other Sage 200 processes or for making corrections when transactions have been posted to the wrong nominal account.

    You may want to restrict the entry of nominal journals for some accounts, particularly when transactions are posted to an account automatically as part of a Sage 200 process, such as the Debtors Control account or Accumulated Profit account.

    To prevent nominal journals being entered, make sure Allow manual journal entries is not selected.


I have invalid records when I import

  1. Check the reason the import failed on the report and take the appropriate action:

    • If the record already exists: remove the record from your file.
    • If a mandatory field is missing: refer to the import file format (XLS file) and add the mandatory field to your record.
    • If a field is incorrectly formatted: refer to the import file format (XLS file) and amend the field so it adheres to the required format.
  2. Remove those records that were successfully imported from your import file, so they aren't imported again.
  3. After addressing all issues, import the file again.

What happens when

What happens when I validate an import file?

When you validate an import file, Sage 200 checks for the following:

  • Whether an item already exists.

  • All items contain the required mandatory fields.

  • All fields are correctly formatted.

The result of the validation is provided by reports.

  • A report lists the items that are valid and can be imported.

  • A separate report is produced to list any items that are invalid and can't be imported. The report will tell you why individual items are invalid.

Note: Depending on your selected output mode, the reports are displayed as a preview, sent to the spooler, or sent to the printer.

What happens when I import the records in my file?

  1. The import file is validated.
  2. The import file is processed.

    All valid items are imported, and any invalid items are ignored.

  3. The result of the import is provided by reports.

    • A report lists the valid items that were successfully imported.

    • A separate report is produced to list any items that were invalid and could not be imported.

    Note: Depending on your selected output mode, the reports are displayed as a preview, sent to the spooler, or sent to the printer.